Monday, May 17, 2010

Black Widows in the bathroom

So I thought I was done for the night. Shut down the computer, shed my clothes, and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.


Its a big, shiny, fat, red hourglass on the belly, male eating, mama black widow spider that is trying to make itself at home in my bathroom. This is the first bathroom I have ever had that was almost exclusively mine (except for my husband), and I will not share it with a black widow spider! I turned on the fan, thinking to suck it up and out of my house, only to realize it was near the AC vent, not the fan, and would just blow down on my head if I turned it on.

I watched it in the mirror while I brushed my teeth, figuring that keeping a close eye on it was the best policy while I came up with a plan of attack. I could only think of trying to squish it with a tissue and having it drop down on my head, climb in my hair, and bite me on the neck before I could even start screaming loud enough to wake the neighbors! Before I could muster the courage to even consider trying anything, it climbed in to the AC vent, which is connected to my kids' bedrooms. AC off for the night, no matter how hot it gets. I am not blowing poisonous spiders on them in their sleep. Luckily it is not that hot yet.

Jeff comes home tomorrow. Will he be in time to rescue me? Many things I can deal with myself (I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Zambia, Africa), but black widow spiders on the ceiling of my bathroom are not one of them. I am too short to deal with spiders on the ceiling. On the floor, no problem. Low down on the wall, been there- done that- squished- even black widows, as Charlie will delightedly attest to not one, not 2, but 3 times. But not on the ceiling!

My only line of defense now is my tiny black and white kitten. If I keep her in my bed will she warn me if the spider emerges under the crack in the now closed bathroom door? I don't want her to get bitten at all, but even less I want to get bitten myself. Maybe her super kitten senses will allow her to miaow in time for me to grab my shoes and squish the beast on the floor before it gets me.

Is this somehow related to the bat that was flying around my bedroom at 4:30 am only last week????


  1. liz, you're a brave woman, the kids and I would be sleeping in a hotel! How do you deal with this! Yikes!

  2. liz! i always had a black widow spider in my bathroom as a kid. it was like a pet. i loved it. it never bothered me at all and was a source of pride…is a source a pride…later in life. i don't think it's you she wants.
